One Click Llama Button — Exchangers List
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Adding Yourself
There is only one rule you must follow if you want to be listed here, and that is you must give a llama to anyone who gives you a llama.
Also, it's no rule but if you install One Click Llama Button, it'll be very easy to give llamas on DeviantArt. You can also use it on this webpage.
If those things are good with you, just send a note to @llamalist saying "add me in the OCLB Exchangers List?". This list is maintained by @llamalist
- You'll be added only if your llama give ratio (given / received) is more than 1. You can increase this ratio by giving as many llamas as you can.
- You'll automatically be removed from the list if:
- Your llama ratio (given / received) drops below 1.
- You deactivate your account.
- You receive 100,000 llamas.